... tradition since 1835

About Us

KRPA Holding

KRPA Holding is one of the biggest papermaking groups in the Czech Republic and one of the most important companies in paper industry in Central and Eastern Europe. KRPA Holding follows the outstanding tradition of Krkonošské papírny, which has been producing and converting paper for almost twe centuries.

Modern technology, tradition and skills of our employees result in high quality paper and stationery goods. All these goods are helping daily our customers to build and achieve excellency in their fields of business.

KRPA HOLDING incorporates companies, that rank important position within the Czech and European market in production of specialty papers and stationeries. The group is a leader in form, school sheets and cash register rolls in the Czech market.

The group is a significant exporter. More than 75 % of the production is exported to 70 countries in 5 continents. The biggest share makes up the demanding market of the European Union.

KRPA Holding Structure

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